Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Tuesday Slice: Back at the keyboard


I haven't written for weeks, unless you count my gratitude journal.  A decades-old habit, I dutifully make my list almost every night, filling in the blanks when I skip a day or two.  Being grateful helps me sleep better, reminds me of the privilege of food, shelter, indoor plumbing, the blessings of health and family.

I haven't written for weeks, because what else can be said about weapons of war unleashed in places of learning and prayer?

I haven't written for weeks, because what else can be said about my rights, my daughter's rights, every woman's rights to our own bodies?  What else can be said about medical confidentiality?

I haven't written for weeks, because what else can be said about the seditious acts of January 6th?  The committee has laid it out clear as day...but will there be justice?

I haven't written for weeks, because what else can be said about climate change, as fires burn just miles up the road, endangering friends' homes?

I haven't written for weeks, because what else can be said about extremists infiltrating our school systems with false accusations that garner airtime and push educators out of classrooms?

I haven't written for weeks, because every idea that surfaced in my brain seemed trite by comparison to the news, the worrisome events that directly impact me, my family and my livelihood.  My school year starts in six days...may there be more good news than bad when I return.  

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Spiritual Journey Thursday: Be still

I am providing the prompt this month:
"Be still."

And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.  Mark 4:39

My spirit has not been calm for weeks.  My waking thoughts are like gray clouds formed by the rage swirling in my chest, rising through my throat, furrowing my brow and darkening my crown chakra.

Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. Selah.  Psalms 4:4

I had also fallen out of my morning meditation practice, a victim of my summer sleep schedule.  Sensing the void, I turned to a book at bedtime--A Rhythm of Prayer, edited by Sarah Bessey.

    "God beyond the boxes we build to contain our lives, the hours we track and tally.  God outside of time, yet here:  Come to us, relieve our ragged breaths, slow our steps, relax the red lines that spike in our brains.  Tell us what is true.  Show us how time rolls like calm water, let us cup it quiet in our hands.

    "God, teach us to pause in this moment, to tuck ourselves into the curve of your slow arm, that we may know the miracle of now...May we see the goodness of our still hours and days, sunrises, sunsets, and the darkness where our rest is found." --Micha Boyett, "A Prayer Against Efficiency"

There, beyond my to-do lists and FOMO and fear catching my breath--a reminder to slow down, be still, rest. 

The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.  Job 33:4

The Universe continued to conspire on my behalf, leading me to watch this sermon by Nadia Bolz-Weber:

(If you don't want to watch the video, you can read the sermon here.)

Pastrix Bolz-Weber reminding us to breathe, be still in God's presence.

Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.   Psalms 46:10

I wish my journey companions 
peace in the Breath of God.
Be still
unfurrow that brow
pry open your thoughts
set free your worries
letting them float 
to the One
who can bear it all.
Rest in Her arms.
Be still, and rest.