Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Tuesday Slice: A library is not

 A library is not just pretty books lined up in neat rows
Not just pretty books filled with pretty thoughts
Not just pretty thoughts written to hide the ugliness
Hiding the ugliness does not make it go away.

A library is books lined up in neat rows
Rows of books filled with problems, real and imagined
The real and imagined conflicts mirroring our own
Our own fears and faults playing out in the safety of the pages.

A library's books are not always meant to make you feel comfortable.
The discomfort is where our discussion begins.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Tuesday Slice: Breathe in, breathe out


I've been taking lots of deep breaths lately

Running behind
my body flashes hot
breathe in, breathe out
pick up the pace.

Work piling up
no end in sight
breathe in, breathe out
finish one thing.

A student spiraling
my defiance rises, too
breathe in, breathe out
ask for support, continue teaching.

Another COVID notice
shake my head
breathe in, breathe out
adjust my mask.

Watching the news
sadness reigns
breathe in, breathe out
turn off the television.

The couch beckons
my body is tired
breathe in, breathe out
walk around the block.

The harvest moon glows
I step outside in the dark
breathe in, breathe out
in that pause, all is well.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Tuesday Slice: A royal apology

I'm sorry, beautiful Monarch
(you're the biggest I've ever seen, by the way)

I didn't realize you'd sense
the milkweed plant ensconced in a mesh tent

I knew, as you landed atop the synthetic barrier
yellow flowers muted by the white below your feet 
your abdomen curling, testing
 that you really wanted to lay that egg

but you see, I already have several
of your kin to feed

and I'm afraid there's not enough to go around.

I missed the photo opportunity, standing at my kitchen counter and watching the enormous butterfly land on the pop up tent protecting several caterpillars from would-be predators. I am seriously concerned that they will eat through the milkweed before I can procure more; we've been on the hunt for plants for three days with no success at nurseries nearby.  I may have to drive a bit to find more food for my voracious crawlers.
Looks big, but less than a half-inch in this photo.
One of four, possibly five in the tent.


Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Tuesday Slice: First week highs and lows

I felt rusty, out of practice, as the first class entered the Story Castle.  It helped to sing the familiar songs and read the stories used for library orientation, the back-and-forth chants and the nodding of heads knocking off the rust.  Library expectation lessons with the older students went well thanks to the helpful suggestion of using a Jamboard for each class, organizing our rules according to the school's safe-respectful-responsible guidelines.  The giggles happened on cue when I mentioned that all bets were off if a T-rex entered the library--screaming and running allowed then.  I saw smiling eyes above masks as our scholars walked or danced out of the library with their books in hand.

The week felt chaotic, though.  Some students are still struggling with adapting to in-person learning again.  The flow just isn't there yet, though I should hardly have expected it this first week back in the library.  The schedule will have to change again this week as the lunch schedules were tweaked last Friday, and we are all hitting the ground running after a three-day weekend.

I long for routine days, for the flexibility they allow within their framework.  In this pandemic, I think we could all benefit from some stability.  I'm hoping the dust will settle soon.    

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Virtue? What virtue? --Spiritual Journey Thursday

Karen has given us the prompt of exploring a virtue(s) for this month's Spiritual Journey reflection. You can find her own post here.

I have perused the list of virtues that Karen provided several times now, trying to make a personal connection.  It is Thursday evening, past my intended bedtime, and I am tired to the bone.  I want to think of positive examples of those lovely virtues, but all my rumination leads to the lack of those qualities in myself and my surroundings. 

Virtue:  Energy                Chris:  Exhaustion
Virtue:  Orderliness          Chris:  Messy desks at work and at home
Virtue:  Acceptance          Chris:  Pouting in a corner

I have been operating in deficit mode this past week, fueled by envy.  Not the kind that Jay Shetty warns about in Think Like a Monk; I don't wish those whom I envy any less than what they have.  I am fully capable of co-celebrating others' successes.  I may not have been cheerleader material in high school, but I can do so in thoughts and prayers and affirming messages as an adult.  But when I turn from those spotlights to face some of my own challenges, the envy lurks in the shadows. 

My hope is that this unrest, this tiredness of the way things are, this envy of how things can be better...are the beginning pains of something great about to be birthed.  I can stop pouting, and instead take solace and rest in the dark.  I don't necessarily need to do anything about it; I can wait until opportunities arise, easing the way out.  Labor doesn't last forever. 

All I need is...patience.  Finally, a virtue with which I can connect.