Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Tuesday Slice: Sharing what you know

The class roster was so short, I was worried our session would be called off.  No notice of cancellation arrived, so my co-presenter and I proceeded as planned, and arrived at the high school campus a couple of hours early to set up.  Good timing, as we had technical glitches to work out.  It's situations like those that make me glad I know people like my Google-Certified-Educator co-presenter.

Four out of the six enrollees arrived.  We launched into our presentation called "The Writer-Librarian:  Why You Should Be Blogging."  

Questions were asked, tips were shared, inspiration developed for both attendees and presenters.  My co-presenter and I blog from different approaches (hers more technical, mine more prosaic), hopefully reinforcing the idea that blogging is a limitless venture, open to the interpretation of the author.  

We went off course several times, talking about popular culture, library events, personal interests, technical woes and victories.  All fodder for blogging, I reminded our participants.

This is only the second time I've attempted being a presenter; it's the first time I"ve felt that we accomplished what we set out to do.

It feels good to share what you know, and have it well-received.


  1. Bravo! I have presented to colleagues a couple of times and it is so much harder than teaching kids every day. I tell that to my students at presentation times, too. I wish I could have seen your presentation and picked up a few Ideas.

  2. Presenting to colleagues can be very intimidating, but it gets easier over time. I used to be so nervous my knees would shake and there was real danger that I might fall over! Keep at it - it is important to share what we know.

  3. Bravo indeed!!! Sounds like you had quite a day.
    I enjoyed doing the many presentations I did in both careers. I learned a lot from doing them and answering or researching answers to questions asked. One short story if I may. I was doing a briefing on upcoming software changes to that system I worked with for 18 years. I'd present the change with an explanation of what it accomplished and then asked for questions and moved on to the next change. In the room was a German Major who kept asking about changes that I had no knowledge of and that apparently were not being implemented. He must have interrupted my presentation at least 15 times or more. That night, when the equipment was available, I ran a demonstration of the changes. The German Sergeant Major showed up first, I put him in the Officers chair, he smiled. When the Major showed up I put him in the Sergeant's seat and told him to boot the system. He didn't know how...... When the demo was done we shook hands and parted in a friendly manner!!!!!!
    Yes I believe I had a drink or maybe 2 when I got home.

  4. Congratulations!!! Getting up in front of a group is tough. It sounds like you had a great presentation. Maybe you'll pull some new bloggers into the business.

  5. Every time I present, I get a better idea for how to do it the next time. Sometimes I love the cozy smaller group presentations because you have time to answer their questions. Sounds like it went well.
