Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Tuesday Slice: Tend

Tend:  to act in a particular way, cultivate, serve, watch over, pay attention, wait, listen, be ready, take charge.  (Thank you, Merriam-Webster online dictionary.)

That's my One Little Word (OLW) for 2019.  After experiencing "enough" (2018's OLW) last year, I realized by this New Year's Eve that in many areas of my life I truly have had enough.  Enough debt.  Enough lack of sleep.  Enough drawn-out, longer-than-necessary work days.  Enough fat on these bones and weakening of muscles.  Enough avoidance tactics of eating and shopping and mindless screen time.  Enough wishing for more experiences and memory-making.

So this year, it's all about tending to those things I've had enough of.  Tend to my finances, my sleep schedule, my work hours.  Tend to my home and relationships.  Tend to my body's needs for healthy food and exercise.  Tend to what is truly important, and whittle away the rest.

Photo ©Christine Margocs.  Taken January 7, 2019.


  1. I love your one little word. Here’s hoping you can tend to many things in 2019. Finding that word is oftentimes the hardest first step.

  2. What a great word - I love how you framed it and linked it to enough. Tend feels like an honest word for change. I love how you crafted this piece - the short sentences and repetition gave it just the right feel. Good luck and happy new year!

  3. What an inspiring word - and one that I have not heard anyone choose! I look forward to reading more throughout the following months how this works out for you!


  4. Such a caring word and at the same time nudging you for action.
