Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Tuesday Slice: Before 5am

It's been a day already, even before 5am.

I finally went to sleep last night at a decent hour (930p!)...only to be awakened once, twice, three times a leg cramp. (Apologies to Lionel Ritchie.)

My few minutes of meditation were filled with thoughts of three separate families in my circles currently battling cancer, one with a spouse in the hospital, and one in my neighborhood starting over from a house fire.  Meditation quickly turned into prayer.

My Fitbit wouldn't sync, I had to restart my computer, my email won't refresh on my phone.  Precious minutes wasted trying to get all that working, so I could post this Slice. 


In a few minutes, I'm going to spend time stretching these muscles, which still work.

I have coffee on board, to help ease the sleepiness.

I can continue to support those in need, and be thankful for my own family's health and home.

The tech finally synced and booted up (email still won't refresh, sigh).

And in two hours, there will be students and teachers relying on my support in the library.

Let's get on with this day, shall we?


  1. Those few words say a lot. When I complain of a leg cramp Kathie says I am not drinking enough water... For sure what used to be referred to as a "Charlie Horse" will wake you up. As for your friends issues, I believe prayer will help for them and you. As for electronic issues, now with Apple - They bogle my mind!!! Have a great day. Love Ya, Dad.

  2. So important to acknowledge the good, the bad and the just OK alongside each other - otherwise we can't be there for those that need us. Thanks for the slice!

  3. I like your transition into the positive .. so much of life is the way we view it!

  4. I'm so thankful that when life brings something bigger than I can deal with, I can pray.
