Tuesday, March 23, 2021

SOLSC '21 Day Twenty-three: The junebugs came a-knockin'

I am participating in my ninth Slice of Life Story Challenge run by the team behind the Two Writing Teachers website.  We are challenged to write a blog post a day throughout the month of March.

The junebugs came a-knockin' 
At my window late last night.
I was typing at the table
They were drawn to my work light.

The junebugs came a-knockin'
I thought, at first, just leaves
Pushed off boughs by greening buds
And floating on the breeze.

The junebugs came a-knockin'
Though it be just barely Spring.
How odd, I thought, given their name
To already be on the wing.

The junebugs came a-knockin'
Tap-tap-tapping on the pane
And told me that the Summer
Will soon be here again.

Image courtesy of Anita Gould, flickr

I am really not that fond of these little beetles, their wings a blur as they repeatedly batter themselves against our windows and doors.  They were a good reminder, though, that the evening was late, and I should cease working and go to bed.


  1. They're here, already?! I don't like them either, destructive little beasts. One year I tended a friend's rose garden when hordes of these things descended like a plague - I kept slicing the damage off the bushes until I was convinced they couldn't possibly live, but, miraculously, they did. I do appreciate the promise of summer they bring - but I'll be saving myself for the cicadas. Your poem is an absolute delight, with those tapping rhythms.

    1. Inspiration at our doorsteps, right, Fran? I'm with you--I loathe anything with shells that can fly, and their tapping is truly annoying. I am sorry about your friend's rosebushes, glad they recovered!

  2. I love the rhythm in this poem. Are you reading it to the kids? I think they'll love it! Unless they're scared to death of them. Not my favorite critters at all. I saw one some time last week. I certainly didn't respond with a poem, lol!

    1. Thanks, Alice! I may just share this in April, along with poetry month. The rhythm was fun, the tapping--ugh.
