We are on our final day of our Spring Scholastic Book Fair, and I am exhausted. My son, home for a visit, stopped by his alma mater yesterday to take a trip down memory lane, see the changes in the library space, and help out a bit.
Last night, I asked him what he thought about watching his mother at work. "I know why you're so tired," he said. "You have to keep answering the same questions and saying the same things over and over and over."
He's not wrong. Voice on repeat:
"Welcome to our Book Fair!"
"Can I help you find a particular book?"
"How much money do you have?"
"With that much money, your mama does NOT want you to come home with twenty-five dollars worth of toys! Get two books then come to the register to look at the spy pens."
"The posters are five forty one, with tax."
"The price is on the back, by the bar code."
"Remember, there's tax included."
"Cuantos dinero tienes?"
"Oh, you got the coolest book!"
"Remember, the toys stay in the books until you buy them."
"Hold on to your money until you find your books."
"Books first, then toys!"
"Yes, we are open until Friday at three."
"The bargain books are over here!"
"Do you need a baggie for your change?"
"I haven't read this one. You'll have to tell me if you like it."
"Yes, we take change. I have a coin counter!"
"Los libros en español están aquí."
"Do NOT poke your classmates, teachers, or siblings with this pointer."
"Thank you for being patient and waiting in line."
"I am so proud of you for counting that change on your own."
"Don't take those keys off that journal until you get home."
"Yes, we take cards."
"Be sure to show your receipt to your mom or dad."
"The spy pens are four dollars and thirty-two cents with the tax."
"Wait for your change and receipt!"
"Honey, you only have enough for these items on the board. No, these items only. Nope, just these items."
"Look at that! You got a book AND a toy! Good job!"
"I can cover the tax for you today. If you can, just bring me the fifty cents tomorrow."
"You did a great job shopping today!"
"Thank you so much for supporting our book fair and library program!"