Wednesday, March 15, 2023

SOLSC '23 Day 15: Progress


The Christmas tablecloth
serving its duty
well past
the expiration date
was shimmied from under
the detritus of daily living
shaken out
over the front lawn and
thrown into the washing machine.

The same fate awaited
the holiday pillow covers
and fuzzy throw blankets
(they still sit in the dryer, alas).
Bright yellow sunflowers
now cover the pillows,
the green afghan still 
hiding under a bed
maybe to be pulled this week
maybe not.

The Vesuvius of shoes
under my vanity
constantly rumbling
falling, rolling into our path
was somewhat tamed
winter footwear flowing
across the hall to an
infrequently occupied bedroom
(for now, anyway).

The earrings, missing from 
the tumble of my eyeglass case
(don't judge)
found, one by one
the last hiding in a 
bright yellow floral 
slip-on sneaker.

Heavy winter scents
were swapped for 
lighter spring florals
in defiance of the 
cold blast due
this Friday.

The sweaters that
have been drying for a week
on the folding clothes rack
in the living room
were put away
the rack folded back
into its place in the
laundry room.

Today I will
search for a notebook
that requires 
pulling out the couch
search for a suitcase
that requires 
excavating a mountain
of clothes
read three books
(two to completion, 
hopefully--they're kidlit)
search for recipes
to fill in months of menus
and search the 
back of my eyelids
for some rest,
in between.


  1. You accomplished a LOT! That, is what spring breaks are for, in my opinion. Just throw in a wee bit of "me" time for a great cup of tea or coffee and your week "off" will be a complete success.

  2. Oh, yes, spring cleaning for teachers often includes packing the Christmas decorations. This made me laugh:
    "The Vesuvius of shoes
    under my vanity" I can relate!
    And I do hope you find the back of those eyelids for some great rest this week!

  3. Fantastic poem! I loved the way you described your shoes:) It sounded so familiar! Try to enjoy your break!
