Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Tuesday Slice: Four o'clock p.m.

My four o'clock p.m. reasons:

Chasing remaining sunlight

Checking in on far-flung family

Plants that need watering and weeding

Singing along to my playlist

Making appointment phone calls

A ripe avocado that needs to be eaten NOW

A drink with friends

The wildlife in my backyard

The load of laundry in the dryer

Online courses purchased but not yet taken

Books, begging to be read

Dinner to be cooked, lunches made

Planning for the weekend, the next break, the next holiday

That unfinished crochet project

The empty journals waiting to be filled

The unused bubble bath...or epsom salts, depending on the day

Time to think, breathe, pray, meditate

Time to prepare for seven hours of sleep before the four thirty a.m. alarm.

The new school year is beginning soon; what are your four p.m. reasons?


  1. Chris, these are also possible titles for journalling. I will start my list of after school to do lists soon. Mine have changed completely with my move of country and school, so it will be an interesting list. Thanks for the idea.

    1. An interesting challenge, Juliette--thanks for getting me to think about future posts this way!

  2. Such a lovely post full of reasons to wrap things up and get out of the building!

    1. Thank you! I really need to prioritize my personal life this year. Better balance, happier and better educator.

  3. I love this list and it may be my post for next week. I saw on social media another teacher talking about summer contract hours, with the idea that "I have things to do".

    A wonderful reminder for all of us educators! :)

    1. I have tried to keep time boundaries in the past, but broke them to keep working time and time again. Realized that I need to be specific with myself about what important things needed to be done at home. Hoping this new tactic is more successful.

  4. What a great way to remember the reasons behind the boundary, and the importance of work-life balance.
