Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Tuesday Slice: A cloud of February words

Last month, I made a cloud of January words based on my January posts from 2016 to 2018, to see if the frequency had any wisdom for me.  I thought it might be fun to do at the end of each month this year, so here's my February cloud:
Most used words, from the eleven February posts:
12 will
9 bed
8 school
8 time
7 library
7 hours
7 just
7 days
7 one
6 SoulCollage
6 cards
6 night
6 home
6 two
6 new

I think it takes a certain amount of will for educators to make it through February.  The glow from the winter holidays has worn off, we're jittery from too much Valentine chocolate, and we're worn out from repeating the expectations we've been practicing since August.  Bed is a welcome respite from school.  While I love my time in the library, the hours just keep getting longer, mirroring the growing sunlight of our days.  One way I relax is to make SoulCollage cards.  Another is to enjoy my nights at home with my husband, the two of us creating new routines as we transition to empty nesting.

This February doesn't feel much different than those of the past!


  1. School time, library hours and the two of you at home. February. I wonder what would make my list.

    1. It's interesting to look back, isn't it? It can be depressing, comforting, and exciting to see the differences.

  2. How interesting. I, too, wonder what would make my list. So clever how you wrote your slice and wove the words through it.

  3. Clever to analyze month's writing from year to year. Your slice made me muse about multiple layered meanings that most words carry: for example, 'will' as one's personal drive versus an expression of future tense.
