Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Tuesday Slice: When will I learn?

Once again, I went to sleep too late.

Once again, I turned off the alarm, said to myself "It's summer, sleep in."

Once again, I am still in pajamas at 10a, whiling away the coolest part of the day indoors when I should be walking, gardening, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine that I so desperately crave at this time of the day in August and September, April and May.

Once again, I've put too much on my to-do list for the day, knowing full well I'll only complete a third of it, at best.

Once again, I've borrowed and purchased books to read, knowing full well my to-read pile is already several years long.

Once again, I've purchased clothes I don't need, a weight-loss program I could probably do on my own.


That weight loss program may just be the kick in the seat I need to get healthier, and those clothes may make me feel better about how I look in the meantime.

The books at home AND the books I've just gotten are all at my fingertips, ready to be enjoyed, learning to be gained.

Even completing a third of my tasks is better than none at all, and moves me forward.

Sometimes it is okay to be in pajamas at 10a, after ten months of being three hours into work by this time.  The summer sun will be up for awhile yet, still time to throw on those walking shoes and head out the door (though it might already be too hot for gardening).

It was nice to catch the tail end of a dream, instead of waking up in the middle of one.

Tonight is another chance at an early bedtime, which means tomorrow is another chance at waking with the alarm.

All is not lost.  


  1. I enjoyed reading your slice. The structure is interesting. The repeat, 'Once again' shares your to-do list and also shows that all this has happened before. Is it the excitement of the break that makes one over do the planning?

    1. Oh, Juliette, it all has been done before! I think it's the realization that I only have so many days during the summer to complete tasks that I always seem too tired to do during the school year. It's a neverending cycle...

  2. I can relate 100% to this post. I have these types of conversations with myself, often beating myself up over them. But then I remember that this is my vacation and time for much needed self-care.

    1. I am trying to focus on the self-care too, Tracy. And the clutter, and the PD prep, and the laundry...sigh.

  3. This is poetic, with the repetition of 'once again.' I enjoyed! Sounds like a soft and enjoyable start to summer. I wouldn't beat yourself up too much about late nights!

    1. Thanks, Maureen! With the collegeboy home, I am now living with TWO night owls! I could keep up with them if I wanted to, but it makes that 415a alarm sooo much harder to face come July 31st.

  4. I love this post, not only because it makes me feel not so alone when I am not doing all I planned for the glorious summer days! I have an online course I am 90% finished with- just need to get that last part done!

    1. I hope you get it done so you can check it off your list, Erika! I really need to work on focusing on just 3 things a day, even in the school year!

  5. I enjoyed reading your post today because with tomorrow being my first real day of summer vacation (after days of giving PD, cleaning and organizing), I know that I too will struggle to keep some sort of early morning routine to allow for getting things done.
    It can be such a struggle to balance routine with freedom!
    Good luck

    1. It's the cleaning and organizing that isn't getting done, unfortunately. I'm thinking next week for all of that!
