Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Tuesday Slice: Let it burn


The cough has been coming on for a few days, but the fever didn't hit until Saturday night.  Just a smidge under a hundred; I wasn't feeling too prickly, so I took a Mucinex for the cough and headed to bed.

I woke up at seven-thirty, dizzy as soon as I sat up.  Checking my temperature a few minutes later confirmed my suspicion--I was a smidge over one hundred.  After making my coffee, I settled in for a day on the couch, getting up to rehydrate, check my temp, and take a COVID test, which was negative (whew).

The thermometer kept bouncing between ninety-nine and a hundred all day.  I was hoping it would burn itself out, but the thermometer read one hundred point four after my four-thirty alarm on Monday morning, prompting a text to admin and a sick day entry on the absence portal.

Monday came and went in a haze of PBS shows, some light reading, and feeding a returning appetite.  Temps continued to remain below a hundred...would I get to go to work on Tuesday?  The intermittent coughing decided to become more constant at bedtime. After a midnight trip to the kitchen for more meds, I bunked on the couch, propped up by pillows and hopefully out of earshot of my sleeping husband.

The four-thirty alarm was brutal...but temps are below a hundred, and sub plans are a pain in the rear.  Off to work I go, with cough drops in my pocket.


  1. Ummm-- you might want to take another test if you haven't already... hope you're feeling better!

  2. This is Fran McC (sorry, not anonymous)
    You describe that escalating sick feeling very well. But your post also reminds me what a bad deal sick teachers get- it brings us back to work too soon.

  3. Uggg, not fun. I hope you're on the mend. Someone on my campus had similar symptoms, but not Covid. Something out there is making its rounds.

  4. Alas, Chris, I hope you're felling much better now. The grind of the days also makes us vulnerable - not enough rest, so much to do. Your descriptions are so vivid that my own throat started scratching. I imagine you wrapped in that beautiful afghan made from your mother's yarn, for the layers of healing therein...
