Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Tuesday Slice: Constant state of gratitude

"Grateful living is important in the world because in our constant pursuit of more and better we can easily lose sight of the riches that lay right in front of us and within us." --Guri Mehta 

"If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough." -- Meister Eckhart

At ten thirty last night, I struggled with my gratitude journal entries.  I had worked an eleven hour day, had sensory overload from the afterschool care kids filling the library (the choir was rehearsing in the cafeteria), and left my work to-do list mostly undone.  Exhausted, my home to-do list went undone, too, though I managed to iron my shirt and water the outdoor plants--small victories.

It's May, otherwise known as educator hell month.  Throw in an upcoming high school graduation and dealing with a major health insurance snafu, and you set the scene for my nightly carb overloading these days.

There is gratitude to be found in the midst of the chaos, however.

Coffee in a favorite mug.  Access to technology.  Support and helpful advice from friends.  The willpower to exercise when I'm feeling sluggish.  A body that works well enough to exercise.  The chance to start over again with healthier eating today.  Access to nourishing food.  Access to healthcare (no matter how frustrating the process to pay for it).  Hot showers and clean running water.  Indoor plumbing and a roof that doesn't leak.  My family's relatively good health.  

Steady jobs for the three working adults in our family.  Good college prospect for the last fledgling in our nest.  A career I love.  Colleagues who are out-of-this-world supportive.  Volunteers who show up--with a smile-- when we need them the most.  Chocolate at hand for a pick-me-up.  Unexpected gifts from students and teachers.

The list in neverending.  Yes, I could start writing out my problems, but something tells me I'd be in a sour mood doing so.  The to-do list is beckoning; time to start my day in a state of gratitude.    


  1. This is a great reminder for me- at this time of year it is easy to feel down! Thanks!

    1. I hope you started your own gratitude list, reading my post! Made me feel so much better.

  2. This too shall pass. Love Ya, Dad.

    1. Yes, but not without going through it first, unfortunately.

  3. Grateful that I found my way back to you, friend. This is just what I needed today. xo

    1. Honored you stopped by, Kimberley! I know you empathize with this post!

  4. I love how you found "gratitude in the midst of chaos!" It's so easy to get off track and to let the chaos overtake us, but you reminded us to power through the chaos.

    1. It's easier to do in the quiet of the morning. Now I need to learn to channel those "zen moments" during the workday, ha!
