Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Tuesday Slice: Hail and farewell

There will be a double retirement party in my library this afternoon, for our campus cafeteria manager...and my library assistant.

Melinda has been my right-hand woman for five years.  After working in the office, she began the position halfway through my first year as a librarian.  That spring semester was one of the blind leading the blind, but we pulled through and came back for more the next year, and the next.

I feel a bit sorry for my incoming assistant, as Melinda has spoiled me.  Rarely do I need to give directions, as she is always onto the next task, usually before I even know it needs to be done.  She single-handedly runs the circulation desk, helping teachers and a class while I'm teaching another group in the lesson area or Book Nook.  I couldn't have maintained our double-class schedule without her assistance.

Melinda's smile is known by all who have encountered her in the office, lunchroom, crosswalk, and library.  As she said tearful goodbyes to our classes last week, there were cries of "Noooooo!" from the students.  She will be missed, and held to her promise of returning to visit in the near future.

Thank you, Melinda, for all you've done for our campus--and for me.  You've helped this fledgling librarian learn to fly, and for that, I'll be forever grateful.

1 comment:

  1. A very nice, warm, write-up. I gather you two made quite a pair in the Library.
    Is there a replacement ready to start? New subject: After many hours of work yesterday my Kindle paper-back version was successfully submitted. It is under Kindle's final review before release. I'll let you know when that happens. Love Ya, Dad.
