Saturday, March 9, 2019

SOLSC '19 Day Nine: It should be Spring Break

The chatter came to a halt at our leadership meeting when the enormity of my comment sunk in.

"Wait...daylight savings, "spring forward", is this weekend?"

The kindergarten lead sitting across the table stared/glared at me in stunned silence.  The fifth grade lead, noticing the look, said, "Chris didn't cause this...she's just the messenger...."  We all smiled, then returned to the topic at hand.

This is the first year (ever?) in our district that Spring Break did not coincide with the time change.  We've always had that week to transition, a week to get used to the earlier bedtimes and darker mornings.  

More importantly, the children had the week to get used to the time change.

We are already feeling the grumps of working a week later than many districts in our state--heck, many parts of the country.  My son came home from college last night to start his break, and he'll have the house to himself most of the day.  Now we get to try and teach children who are ready for a break themselves--and who may very well be tired, cranky little people due to the time change.

May God have mercy on us all next week.


  1. I really don't enjoy the time change. Our spring break is not until the beginning of April so Monday is not going to be pretty. The other issue I have is that I am traveling with my daughter south which means another time change! Oh the obstacles we have to deal with! haha

  2. That sucks royally! I am so sorry your break falls a week later than everyone else's. Hang in there.

  3. It takes a long time to get over the clock change is spring. Specialists say that is especially tough for kids and old people, but I think it is challenging for everyone.

  4. Three more weeks until our Spring Break. I'll be totally adjusted to the time change by then...

  5. Funny how your break typically coincides with the changing of the clocks. What a great plan. Why did they change it? You are in my prayers!!! :)

  6. Amen! I just keep asking myself why they have done this to us! Just thinking happy thoughts.
