Sunday, March 31, 2019

SOLSC '19 Day Thirty-one: Just another Sunday?

My day started a bit later than usual...just another Sunday.
First, coffee.  Then turn on CBS...just another Sunday.
Breakfast, shower, let out the neighbor's cat...just another Sunday.
Defrost the meat for dinner, make some lunches...just another Sunday.
Wash the towels, make the bed...just another Sunday.
Check the weather, plan my clothes...just another Sunday.
Plan the week, catch up on homework...just another Sunday.

Write the last post for my seventh Slice of Life Story Challenge...not just another Sunday.

Congratulations to all of my fellow Slicers!  It's been a pleasure sharing this journey with you!


  1. Thank you for all your positive support and helping so many to feel encouraged! No, today is not just another Sunday... Hope this challenge was a good one for you!

    1. Thanks, Lanny, for doing such a great job as co-organizer of this writing event! Already looking forward to my regular Tuesday slicing.

  2. Just another Sunday! Thank you for all you do for this community!

    1. Thank you, Melanie! It's been a pleasure popping over to your slices now and then.

  3. Thanks for sharing! It is a special kind of Sunday!

    1. An accomplishment like this finish line makes it special; whoohoo!

  4. Congratulations!! Yes, you are right (I mean write ;-) not just another Sunday!

  5. What a lovely slice. the repetition showed the emphasis and then of course this Sunday, which is totally different, a celebration really! Congratulations for completing your 7th year of slicing. Thank you for the helpful comments.

  6. You've done great for your first SOLSC, Daven!

  7. Seventh year of SOL challenges -! Amazing! I almost didn't do this year and am thunderstruck at all I would have missed, had I not! I so enjoy how you look through both practical and whimsical lenses in your posts. So often as I read your words, I find myself nodding my head in agreement. I feel like I have always known you, kindred spirit. See you on Tuesdays! :)

    1. Same here, Fran...I don't really teach writing anymore, but feel it's so connected with reading that I really must practice, if only on Tuesdays and the month of March! See you tomorrow; I so enjoy reading and sharing your posts!

  8. SO much of your just another Sunday sounded like mine. I love the recognition that the last slicing day of the challenge for your seventh year makes it not just another Sunday. That's definitely an accomplishment.
