Sunday, March 13, 2022

SOLSC '22 Day Thirteen: Pajama days


Pajama Saturdays

Yesterday marked the first official day of Spring Break.  I meant to get up early, get dressed, go outside.  I really did mean to do all of that.  Technically, I did the latter--I put on my "outdoor" slippers and a coat over my pajamas, and went round to the backyard to fill the birdfeeder.  (I have to fill it in the mornings now, because of a racoon...but that's another story.)

The sun was shining in a clear blue cold sky by 9a, beckoning through the living room windows.  I'll take a shower at 10a, I told myself, and go for a walk.  I stripped the bed, put the sheets in the washer, and plopped on the couch to do my Duolingo lessons and check email.  Oooh, there's a sale at one of my favorite online stores....10a came and went.

The sun was still shining at 11a.  Birds came and went from the feeder.  By this time, my husband was showered and dressed and puttering about.  I remade the bed and rebooted the laundry, and got sucked into a PBS show about Ireland.

Afternoon arrived, and it seemed pointless to get dressed.  There were three more loads of laundry to get to, a Slice to write, my husband's birthday presents to wrap, and a cake to bake.  By 830p we were watching the latest season of "Mrs. Maisel".

After drowsing off in my chair (after "Mrs. Maisel"--that show keeps me laughing!), I took a shower at 1030p, and changed into...a clean set of pajamas.

I'll try that getting dressed thing again on Sunday.  Wish me luck.


  1. I love pajama days! I am a little embarrassed to admit just how many Saturdays play out just as yours did yesterday. I used to feel guilty - like I had to explain, but not any more. Teaching all week is hard, and Saturday is my recovery day. I think your trip to the birdfeeder was a win!

    1. Rita, most of my Saturdays during the school year are pajama days! I don't even care anymore about who sees me in my robe traipsing to the backyard--such is the confidence of aging, ha!

  2. Give yourself grace. This sounds like the day you needed instead of the day you envisioned. Rest and PJs and spring break and getting a few things done in between - sounds like a winning combination to me!

    1. Thank you for the reminder! Yes, it is a week filled with the grace of not having a schedule to follow. Whew!

  3. OH MY WORD! I have outdoor and indoor slippers, too. I'm so glad I'm not the only one - - there are days we don't get dressed. We are still thinking about it here today, still pajama'ed people sitting around draped in snoozing dogs and doing digital work. Ha! We are in no hurry to try to make up for any lost hour of sleep. I love your post.

    1. Yay for outdoor slippers, Dr. Haynes Johnson! Sometimes more just gets done when one less decision about what to wear doesn't have to be made.

  4. Chris, what fun! It sounds like a great day. I love the showering at 10:30 (PM) and then getting into a clean pair of pajamas. Perfect. Did you read Enid's post today? She lado had a pj day yesterday.

    1. It happens a lot on weekends, Denise! I tend to hoard comfy pajamas, so much so that it is about time to purge some...thanks for the reading recommendation, heading over now!

  5. I think your pj day was just the thing that was addition to rest. During winter break I joked with my husband that I had my day pajamas and my night pajamas...and yet, you got stuff done!

    1. Let's call our day pajamas loungewear, shall we, Fran? Sounds so much more sophisticated and planned...ha! On my productive days, I call them superjammies!

  6. I love days like these. They happen around here a lot these days!

    1. Natalie, I am hearing this from a LOT of educators. Should be an indicator of just how exhausting our works weeks are!
