Tuesday, March 22, 2022

SOLSC '22 Day Twenty-two: Go home, she said

The announcement came
ten minutes before the last bell
"Check your email now, please."
The principal telling us
to go home, as soon as
all students are dismissed
After-school activities canceled
across the district

So I left after car duty,
too hot in my raincoat
the sun still peeking
while dark gray clouds rolled in
Home in five minutes
I texted my husband
who called back to say
he was on his way home, too

I had a headache
rested on the couch
made dinner 
rested some more

And then the rains came
and the nonstop weather coverage
and the tornados touching down 
to the south, the east
while our rain stopped, and
the sun shone
and a rainbow appeared
outside my kitchen window

The headache 
was still there
so I drank some water 
ate some chocolate
went back to the couch

More tornado warnings
still far away
as the sun went down
I fell asleep on the couch
only to be awakened when
the rain started again,
overflowing the gutters,
sending me off to bed
with a thunderous lullaby.


  1. "Thunderous lullaby" what a line to end this poem! I am glad you were safe. I haven't checked the news this morning, so I hope the storms weren't too bad across the other areas.

  2. Those storms are coming our way today. Our district cancelled school. I'm hoping they pass to the north of us and I can enjoy a relaxing day on the sofa.

  3. I love falling asleep to thunder. Not too thunderous, but low, rolling, rumbles. For some weird reason, I can actually sleep well. I got caught in it during my afternoon walk. It interrupted my walk and my writing. Good thing it wasn't more than rain around here. I love the image of the rainbow shining through your kitchen window. That's the first thing 'tween looked for when it cleared up.
