Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Tuesday Slice: It isn't over, a COVID diary

Today's Slice also doubles as a poem for ethicalela.com 's Verselove,
an April poetry writing opportunity for educators.
Susie Morice asked us to respond to news of our choice.

Dueling headlines

The “AP Morning Wire” arrives at 0601 sharp
Neat columns of
Headlines and openers to the left
Photos to the right

Third story down
“China closes Guangzhou
to most arrivals
as outbreak spreads”
the words
“major surge”
jump out at me

Sixth story down
“With COVID mission over,
Pentagon plans
for next pandemic”
the article describes
exhausted nurses
overflowing ICUs
as memories
as if COVID is a thing
of the past

as if the story
three sections up
or my own
child’s recovery
doesn’t exist

right now.


  1. I am so sorry to hear about your kiddo and wishing a speedy recovery. How you juxtaposed those two articles in your slice speaks to the multiple realities of this time in history. Sadly the pandemic is not over, even if we really want it to be in the past.

  2. Saving your own personal connection to the end of this post is powerful. I'm sorry you're dealing with your child having Covid, and no, this is not over.

  3. I love how you used the thread of story throughout this poem. From the headline stories to your own story.
