Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Tuesday Slice: Ain't no tired...


Educator types, say it with me:  there ain't no tired like standardized testing tired.

I wasn't even administering a test today, and I'm tired.  At my usual morning duty station, I talked down the nerves of two students who were testing for the first time.  After turning in my phone, getting the relief schedule, and gathering up a rolling chair, Kleenex, and my water jug, I monitored hallways, relieved teachers for breaks, delivered issues notices to the coordinator, replaced headphones, walked kids to the nurse, and watched classes while teachers turned in their materials.  I put in five thousand steps before nine this morning, sang "American Pie" in my head twice, and discussed cool stress balls with a counselor who also had duty in the hallways.

I've got ibuprofen on board and an eye on an early bedtime tonight.  I get a reprieve from testing next week, when I'll be "Speed Dating the Bluebonnets" at the annual Texas Library Association Conference.  But the week after that...we get to do it all again.    


  1. THERE IS NOT any tired more than standardized testing tired. I totally understand and respect this statement. Those of us who are not taking the tests but whose future will be dictated by test results feel every bit of the feels and every bit of the stress,

  2. Oh my goodness, I love your opening line. Yes, I totally understand. I think we are too focused on testing which takes away from valuable learning time. Would have loved to listen in on your stress ball conversation!

  3. Standardized testing may kill us all, along with the joy of teaching and learning. However: I hope you had a lovely time at the conference! "Speed Dating the Bluebonnets" sounds so intriguing - here's to coming back energized, although, sadly, another round of testing may zap it...
