I am participating in The Two Writing Teachers' Slice of Life Story Challenge, writing every day during the month of March. My theme this year is "Outdoors".
I have never described myself as an outdoorsy person. I prefer cabins with flushing toilets to tents and a trek to the bathroom, temperatures neither too hot nor too cold (though I'll take the latter over the former), and seasons featuring the minimum of biting and/or flying insects--except for butterflies. They can flit by anytime.
More and more, however, I am being drawn to fresh air and sunlight. When the weather is cooler, I take advantage of a cabin franchise (formerly Getaway, now called Postcard Cabins) and enjoy the four hour drive to the Piney Woods of Texas. Sitting outside in an adirondack chair in jeans, flannel shirt, and hiking boots, looking into a glade of trees so thick that I can't see the next cabin, I can disconnect from electronic buzzing and consumerism and just...be. It is enough to be present and a witness to the birdsong and rustling leaves in the breeze.
Fresh ocean air and moonlight have the same pull. I felt at peace sitting on the second-floor patio of a beach-y A-frame, across the street from the Emerald Coast of Florida. It's been years, but I can close my eyes and transport to those evenings with clear starry skies and the sounds of the never-ending waves lapping on the beach. No words needed to be spoken, no tasks needed to be attended to. It was enough to be present and small under the sky that seemed to meld with the watery horizon as the night deepened.
Old trees and ancient waters remind me that I and the rest of the human race are but newcomers on this speck of dust floating in a vast universe. My inadequacies, worries, and burdens become as weightless as a crumb carried by an ant, viewed from on high. Through this lens, I am whole.