Wednesday, March 19, 2025

SOLSC '25 Day Nineteen: Making an appearance


I am participating in The Two Writing Teachers' Slice of Life Story Challenge, writing every day during the month of March.  My theme this year is "Outdoors".

Balancing on one leg
the other foot perched 
on the narrow tub ledge

How long has it been?
Weeks? A month?
Way overdue for a shave...

Legs now presentable 
I pull on sport shorts
An old tee shirt 
Cheap red flip-flops 

The sun is shining
on the chair I choose
setting my Fitbit timer
for fifteen minutes 

My white legs
making their first 
appearance of 2025

The spots and dots
a genetic constellation 
The blue-green veins
multiplying with the years

But they are mine
And they still work (thanks be)
And they deserve 
to see the sun.


  1. Your poem completely pulled me into your scene. I love your positive appreciation of your legs, and I'm glad the sun is shing for you. My legs could use a little sun, too. Hope they can soon!

    1. The sun is healing, Barbara! My legs have a long way to go to lose the pale.

  2. "My white legs making their first appearance in 2025" - what a great line! And yes...not overly happy with veiny-ness or multiplication over here, myself, but being grateful we have 'em and that they still work is a healthy dose of perspective. Enjoy absorbing your Vitamin D!! You will be recharged :)
