Sunday, March 9, 2025

SOLSC '25 Day Nine: Mother oak


I am participating in The Two Writing Teachers' Slice of Life Story Challenge, writing every day during the month of March.  My theme this year is "Outdoors".

I call her "Mother Oak"
watching over our yard
home to squirrels and possums,
doves and bluejays,
titmice and chickadees,
and the occasional hawk

She must have been here for decades
before the thirty-five years we've shared her land;
my arms reach only half 'round her trunk

The skies were blue with cottony clouds today
so I sat outside and visited with her

left on the porch with me, prompted me to rise
and take Mother's picture, from this angle and that

But I can't bear that thought for long
The hole in the yard, in the sky, would be too big
I think my heart would break, if I were to lose 
another mother

So I sit, and listen to the wind blow the chimes
hanging from the eaves, and tussle the branches
holding Mother's leaves.


  1. Beautiful poem. Evocative and mysterious.

  2. How lovely! That you personified this gorgeous perennial is most endearing. It shows your affection and admiration and your acute awareness of its meaningfulness in your life. I love trees and have for a long time. It's even more insightful that you consider the relationship with nearby animals and its cohesion with other elements of nature. What beautiful homage you paid to this majestic plant. It was a most enjoyable read. Many thanks! #lovedit

  3. Newtreemom
    Beautiful tree, beautiful poem. I hope the tree will continue to stand. The poem surely will.
