Monday, March 10, 2025

SOLSC '25 Day Ten: I do not like this bright 5p


I am participating in The Two Writing Teachers' Slice of Life Story Challenge, writing every day during the month of March.  My theme this year is "Outdoors".

We were all tired.  I had a hard time falling asleep last night, and woke up several times worried that I would ignore my alarm.  I gave myself an extra fifteen minutes of snoozing before getting up.  When I saw how dark it was outside at 630a, I left a note for my son, asking him to fill the birdfeeder when it was light enough to see it.

I didn't have to tell a single child to walk down the hallway when the bell rang at 720a this morning.  They shuffled by, some talking in muted tones, many looking like they had been dragged from bed five minutes prior.

My first three classes were fairly sedate...then the tired-wired stage of sleep deprivation set in.  Students who were usually quiet and rule-following became chatty, wiggly, unfocused children. I had to use my mean teacher voice, which I'm sure was made a bit sharper by my own tiredness.

I finally left work at 5p, and the sun was blazing hot.  I sat on the front porch to finish my NYT crossword, and went back inside the house as soon as I was done to escape the heat and glaring light.  It felt weird to eat dinner without having to turn on the dining room lights.

If anything good comes out of this, it's that I am repeatedly yawning as I type.  I hope that means that sleep is not far behind.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, the perils of switching to daylight savings time. I like that you never mentioned the specific cause of your sleepiness and your students' initial lethargy, but let us all figure it out for our selves.
