Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Tuesday Slice: They see me, and think of books


They see me
and think of books.

Books in their backpack
they need to return.

Books I recommended
that they really like

or don't.

Books they've lost, or damaged
with money owed.

Books we've read together, voting after 
with thumbs up-sideways-down

because it's important to know what you like.

Books that are their favorites
that I've put in special places.

Books returned in carts, and
books they get to keep.

Books they will meet because
 "Today we have library!"

and I am the lucky librarian.


  1. So wonderful that people think of books when they see you! I hope I have the same effect!

  2. This is a testament to the impact you've had on their reading lives.

  3. I love this poem for so many reasons, Chris - first that a child seeing you will automatically think of books (we can't have them thinking about them too much!), and for the rhythmic structure beating "books...books...books." I can see this hanging on many a librarian's wall.
