Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Tuesday Slice: Alarming

To set the alarm during summer break, or not...that is the question.

I currently have my alarm set for an hour later than my usual school-day wakeup time.  Yesterday, I promptly got out of bed after turning it off.  This morning...almost an hour passed before I got up.  I have no morning appointments to keep this week, no external motivators to bolt out of a perfectly comfortable bed, where my body and my bedcovers have finally come to terms with one another after a night of sweating versus feeling cold.

If I don't get up with the alarm, I lose out on quiet alone time before my husband gets up.

Then again, I get the house to myself after he leaves for work.

I tend to get more done when I'm still in a morning haze, brain unable to talk myself out of emptying the dishwasher, putting on workout clothes and exercising, starting laundry.

Then again, I am on summer break, after ten months of almost militaristic scheduled mornings.

What to do, what to do....


  1. That contrast of summer flexibility (near lethargy?) versus "militaristic" school schedule -- so well captured. Both can be true, though that doesn't make the transition between them any easier ;)

  2. Relax, enjoy your quiet time, don't make looking for something to do another job..... I'm fortunate, at this point in my life I can't remember why I went into a room I went into..... If I'm talking and interrupted, I often can't remember what I was saying before the interruption!!! Am I worried - No. When I wake up I thank God for being on the top side of the grass and look forward to the events to follow. So, enjoy your time off, relax, have fun, and remember it only takes 17 muscles to smile and 41 to frown.... Have a great day Daughter. I love Ya. Dad

  3. I question the same thing daily. I fight getting up, but I a happier when I do. Thanks for posting!

  4. Slow down and relax! We are so busy during those 10 months and don't have a moment to ourselves. Do not set the alarm!

  5. This is a great question. I enjoy sleeping in during the summer, but if I don't set an alarm some days, I feel like I waste one of my days off. I think this is a balance between setting an alarm some days, and just sleeping others. I also enjoy setting an alarm but then laying in bed a while, something I can't do during the school year. I hope you get to sleep in and still enjoy your alone time!

  6. I just had the same conversation with my two teenage sons about setting an alarm. I vote no alarm IT'S summer! Enjoy!

  7. I can relate to this, especially the nights of sweating versus being cold. I'm 47 and am just beginning the fun changes that go with this stage of life. I allowed myself to sleep as late as I wanted to the first week or two after school let out. But I find that if I don't get up by at least 7 or 8, I feel more sluggish and unmotivated. Taking a class now, so I'm getting up at 5:30 again. No binge watching Netflix until 2 AM this week, I guess.

  8. I can relate to getting up early to have that time to yourself. But there are those days when you just have to turn off the alarm. Turn it off and enjoy the summer!

  9. Loving summer and mostly not setting an alarm! This week the alarm is set as I am in a week long writing institute. The plus side is I am learning to take risks with my writing and blogging for the first time!

  10. I totally relate. The struggle is real!! Use the alarm only as needed, and enjoy as much of your 'summer' as you can!

  11. I love this! I always battle with the idea of setting my alarm or not during the summer. The past two weeks I did not set my alarm on most days to let myself sleep in, but then I feel guilty!

  12. I love this! I always battle with the idea of setting my alarm or not during the summer. The past two weeks I did not set my alarm on most days to let myself sleep in, but then I feel guilty!

  13. I struggle with this too. I set an alarm the first week of summer break. After that I decided to start the day when I feel ready. If I am not ready I just go through the motions. Do what makes you happy. Summer goes fast.

  14. That quiet time in the morning is so valuable ... especially to write ... I say play each morning as it comes, with the rare and delicious freedom to CHOOSE what's best for you that given day. Even if it changes every single day ... that in itself is a gift.

  15. I say forget about guilt and shoulds and enjoy the summer. You'll be back on a hamster wheel before you know it. I especially loved the line about the bedclothes finally achieving the right balance of temperature in the morning. It made me LOL! In America there's far too much emphasis on work and not enough on relaxing which is good for the body and soul.

  16. Revel in the choice each day - some days yes others no alarm! That’s what makes summertime so freeing for me!

  17. Loved your post! I would love to sleep in for an extra hour but after 30 years (you read that correctly - I just finished my 30th year of teaching) my body just naturally wakes up at 5 AM. Not necessary a bad thing - I get a lot accomplished in the quiet hours of the morning (and not usually housework). However, my kids make fun of my when I am ready for bed at 9:00. Who cares what they think!

  18. I can understand and now truly value my time alone in the morning (in the quiet) before my husband and 1 year old wake up. I am slightly envious that you have the choice to sleep in (my 10 week pregnant body does not let me get a full night's rest) and it seems that when I get up a second time I cannot lay back down and shut my brain off no matter what! Enjoy your summer - don't set the alarm!

  19. During summer I love the fact that I don't need to use an alarm. Of course some days I do when I have appointments or places to be, but mostly I can pick when I leave my cozy bed. Enjoy your summer time no matter if it is with or without an alarm!
