Thursday, March 19, 2020

SOLSC '20 Day Nineteen: Fall into spring

Our massive, old oak
Defies the seasons
New leaves pushing out the old

A carpet of brown
Hides the green of spring
Beneath the sprawling branches

The bluster of March
Rattles small dry leaves
Swirling around my front porch

I gather my broom
And rake, and shovel
To reveal the true season.


  1. Very nice. Thanks. Trees are such good subjects. I like the syllable play too. I may try this!

    1. The syllable play happened by accident, with the first two verses following a pattern I felt I had to continue. Thanks for the comment!

  2. Chris, isn't it amazing how nature proceeds even in the midst of trying times?

    1. I so agree! A reminder that the current crisis is just a part of everything that is happening in the world right now.

  3. Beautiful, Chris. What comfort there is in seeing the earth renewing itself. The familiar in the midst of the extremely unfamiliar, a hint that things will carry on. Yesterday I heard a lawnmower next door and it flooded me with peace - it really did.

    1. Thanks, Fran! I find it odd that live oaks drop their leaves in spring; I guess it's the price we pay for its evergreen foliage. And yes, everyday sounds seem even more comforting these days. For me, it was the garbage trucks!

  4. Your poem is filled with so much hope. We all are ready for a new season!

    1. Thank you! Nature holds the key for us these days, I think.

  5. It's hard to believe that today is the first day of spring. It feels like such a gloomy time of year since we're stuck inside with "social distancing." Your poem makes me want to leave the house!

    1. I am grateful to live in the suburbs, in an older subdivision with large lots and plenty of space. Fresh air does a body good!
