Saturday, March 7, 2020

SOLSC '20 Day Seven: Because I could

Because I could

I stayed up til eleven last night, wired from twelve hours of book fair
Eyes glazing at the television screen
Set the alarm for six thirty and fell asleep
Woke up a six a.m., then went back to bed after a bathroom visit
Noticed my clock thought it daylight savings time change already 
Turned off both alarms and fell asleep again
Stayed in bed past my husband's kiss goodbye (glad he's paid overtime today)
Got up at eight twenty
Padded in socked feet to the kitchen to make coffee
Read my email, responded to blog comments
Paused to retrieve my coffee and ponder the quiet
Decided not to disturb it with the television or radio
Making the click-clacking of these keyboard keys 
     the loudest sound in the house.


  1. Oh how I love a glorious Saturday morning just as you described. Enjoy your peace!

    1. It was lovely...until I had to go back in to work in the afternoon, ha!

  2. Ah, this is perfect! I love that silence when the keyboard click-clacking is the loudest sound in the house. Your poem captures a certain kind of lazy Saturday morning that I don't think we can ever have too many of.

    1. I don't get them often, Elisabeth, especially since I'm usually rocking NICU babies on Saturday mornings. Unfortunately, COVID-19 has that on hold for the moment.

  3. My morning was quite similar except I wrote in my notebook instead of typed. What a blessing to have that down time!

    1. I need to get back to pen-and-paper writing this summer, Tracy, if only for the silent nature of the practice.

  4. Oh, the pure LUXURY of this post! I savored every single word. And you needed it, Chris. <3

    1. I DID need it, Fran, especially since I had to go back to work that afternoon!

  5. My favorite line in this entire post is "because I could." Isn't it nice when we get to decide what gets done and doesn't get done! Sounds like a perfect start to the day.

    1. It is a privilege and a blessing to have that luxury, Leigh Anne. I enjoyed every minute of it!
