Friday, March 27, 2020

SOLSC '20 Day Twenty-seven: Need to get a grip in six by six

Up past bedtime reading last night.

Ignored alarms and woke up "late".

Late for what?  Days have changed.

Summer hours in spring...doesn't fit.

I crave some kind of routine.

Next week, I will do better.

I was inspired by Book Dragon's six by six word post yesterday.  Since I tend to be wordy when I write, I wanted to try to do the same.  Not much inspiration this morning, other than waking up and hour and a half later than I would have liked.  When one is only seen from the chest up in online meetings, though, preparation for work can take on a different meaning....


  1. I've been up too late and, because of it, sleeping a little later, too. I need to get back to a better sleeping routine. I'm with you - next week will be better!

  2. I love the six-by-six idea, as a six word memoir doesn't seem like enough for me these days, either. And, yes, I am prepping for a meeting this morning, dressed from the waist up and still sporting sweatpants and bare feet!

  3. This line sums up how most of us are feeling:

    "Summer hours in spring...doesn't fit."

    Love the six-by-six format! I've only ever used the 6-word memoir. Didn't know it was a thing to string 6s together.

    Will remember this and maybe share w/students during distance learning. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Great form to share ... and how well you share it. Trying to find a new normal is so challenging because everything is SO different - where is any "normal" that we used to have, except family? But a good thing is relaxed attire (as in maybe pj bottoms). Relaxed in approach, too - I just finished a Google Meeting with colleagues from school and everyone spent the first few minutes sharing dogs and children as a way to say hi. "Late for what? Days have changed." They sure have ... somewhere in this we become better humans ... I hope.

  5. I rarely go to sleep before midnight. Right now I’m rolling w/ the circadian rhythms and doing what I can to be productive and positive. I know teachers teaching remotely have unique challenges, and sticking to a routine must be one. All this is challenging. And really, reading past midnight is productive, the best use of time.
