Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Tuesday Slice: Double whammy

We have a delayed start this morning due to icy road conditions.

And there's a full moon.

A double whammy for us teacher types.  Many students were already off-kilter yesterday as the front blew in at noon.  We dropped twenty degrees in an hour.  By quitting time, the raindrops played a staccato wind-driven beat on my windshield, a backdrop for my surprise of forty-one degrees on the dashboard readout.  I knew when the phone rang at 10pm with an 877 prefix that the district was robo-calling.  I left my bed with a whoop of happiness to inform my husband of my delayed start.

Cold weather energizes me.  I love hunkering down with a warm drink in hand and getting productive.  It was the first evening in ages that I crossed nearly everything off my to-do list.

This morning, I slept in an extra forty-five minutes.  I'll drink an extra cup of coffee as I check the late-start schedule, and answer emails about missed library visits.  I'll get a decent workout, without the excuse of too little time.  And then I'll steel myself for classes who have had indoor recess, and students who don't handle changes in the routine well, especially under a full moon.  


  1. I NEVER complain in August, but I appreciate your cold-weather proclivity and productivity. I love your final line, as it's a great contrast to the rest of the morning.

  2. I'm also invigorated by cold weather, but I am not a fan of icy roads! Thanks for sharing your story.
    Laughter and Consistency
