Friday, March 7, 2025

SOLSC '25 Day Seven: Some days are just like that

I am participating in The Two Writing Teachers' Slice of Life Story Challenge, writing every day during the month of March.  My theme this year is "Outdoors".

I needed more than "One Little Word" this year.  So I did "know better, do better" and another directive:

Sometime in January, I lost the bracelet that said "know better, do better".  This pictured bracelet has survived two-plus months of daily wear.

"Go outside" is my sanity saver.  For most of the hours between 715a and 5p (or later), I work in a room that has no windows to the outside of campus. In deep winter, it is not unusual for me to arrive and leave in darkness.  This has taken a toll on my psyche and my sleep schedule.  Without daylight to help set my circadian rhythm, I tend to stay awake too late, given my 420a alarm.  So I am trying my darndest to get at least 15 consecutive minutes of open-air daylight after work each day.  If I am conscientious, I can be home at 5p or before and spend a few minutes on the front porch, at least, basking in the waning sunlight.

It didn't happen today.  After a full day with six classes, I stayed after because I thought I was the team rep for a PTA meeting.  I worked in my windowless room until 515p, then headed over to the cafeteria to see the PTA moms setting up the family movie night that I thought came after the quick meeting.

"It's just a movie tonight--no meeting," one of the moms informed me.

Drat.  I could have been home, sitting on my porch before my husband arrived for our weekly restaurant date.  As it happened, I was home for just a few minutes before he showed up, so it was a quick turnaround to leave.  By the time we came home at 7p, dusk was happening and the bugs were flitting about the door.  

No outdoor time today.  But the weekend has begun, and there is forecasted sunshine to be had before going back to work on Monday.



  1. I love a "go outside" bracelet...and am wishing you sunshine and fresh air--enough to last the week--this weekend.

    1. I did get a few minutes today, Kim, as the cold front came in. Crazy weather!

  2. I sincerely hope you get some fresh air and sunshine tomorrow. There is something about the brightness that fills one's soul with hope and potential. Here's to a needed weekend for you!

    1. Thank you! I took some deep breaths of fresh air today, did some birdwatching, and felt much better afterwards!

  3. I hope that tomorrow is full of sunshine and plenty of time outside. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. We had some sun for a few hours before the cold front blew in. Hoping for a bit more blue sky on Sunday!

  4. I remember those late nights at school. Glad it's the weekend and that you'll have time to relax and be outdoors to savor the sunshine.

    1. Ramona, it is hard to leave with a long to-do list still shouting at me...but I need to get better at shushing it and going home.
