Monday, March 17, 2025

SOLSC '25 Day Seventeen: I haven't worn shoes since Friday


I am participating in The Two Writing Teachers' Slice of Life Story Challenge, writing every day during the month of March.  My theme this year is "Outdoors".

It's Monday, and I haven't worn shoes since Friday.  I wish I could say that I'm beachside with no need for shoes, but alas, the reason is much more mundane.

I'm sick in bed with Covid.  

This is only the second time I've had Covid.  The first was two years ago, during another week off due to an ice storm. I had to manage a tree falling on our house while navigating a fever that time.  The only thing I  have to navigate now is a bruised ego from missing out on bright, sunshine-y spring break days.  Oh, and canceled MRI and haircut appointments.  Can't hack my way through those, spreading contagion while I'm at it.  

The one booster I didn't get this fall was the Covid shot. My doctor's office didn't offer it, and I just never made it into the pharmacy to get it done. I always get it on a Friday because it knocks me out for a day or two. But by Friday each week, I was too tired to even think about it. 

It might just be a good thing that I'm not wearing shoes.  I stubbed my middle toe at 3a on Saturday and woke up later with an ugly bruise. Maybe it's broken, and going shoeless is letting it heal? That could be my silver lining in this gray Covid cloud. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! That's no fun at all! And this reminds me that I need to get the covid booster - maybe this Friday... I'm glad you've found a silver lining, but I'd prefer that your toe was fine and you didn't have covid. Yuck.
