I am participating in The Two Writing Teachers' Slice of Life Story Challenge, writing every day during the month of March. My theme this year is "Outdoors".
My brain craves connections. I think that's why I enjoy being a librarian, connecting students and staff with books and resources. That tendency toward connections also leads conversations down all sorts of rabbit holes.
Today's conversation started with an email from a publishing company that mentioned our country's age this year--250 years! "That can't be right," I told my assistant. "I remember celebrating the bicentennial at Carney Park when I lived in Naples."
Well, since I turned fifty-nine last week, the years really do add up. And so do the memories. I first wrote about Carney Park in a 2020 SOLSC post, but it makes sense to revisit it, given my theme this year.
A brief description: Carney Park is a military recreational center that is uniquely located inside an extinct volcano.
Image courtesy of NavyMWRNaples |
After doing a basic search, I was delighted to see that it is still in operation--and learned that it is as old as I am!
The thoughts that popped into my head, in addition to the ones from the previous post:
- the bicentennial tri-corner hat souvenir I got in 1976 (I just found one on eBay that validated my memory!)
- getting my Red Cross swimming licenses in the pool...and my brother slipping and hitting his chin on the edge, requiring stitches
- coolers filled with ice, soda, beer, and bologna sandwiches
- Italian ice cream from the convenience store
- the "vibe" of the whole family feeling relaxed and having fun
I wasn't much of the outdoorsy type even back then, but I enjoyed my playtime in the fresh air and sunshine as much as any kid does. Carney Park will always be a happy memory for me. And now my new library assistant knows that I saw streakers as a child....
Ha! Your last line, lol! You have so many interesting stories to share. Looks like a beautiful park. My connection to your story: we hiked down to the bottom of a dormant volcano in New Mexico on our way to Colorado. Who knew they'd be so lush and full of life?
ReplyDeleteI’ve never been to Carney Park, but I do remember some similar places as a child. I also remember the bicentennial and the streaking craze if the 1970s. One of my favorite things about this community is summarized in the word “connections.” I need to go through past posts and find some to revisit, something I’ve been thinking about lately.