Thursday, March 7, 2024

SOLSC '24 Day Seven: Seven-a-day habit

The alarm goes off at 425a.  I grumble a bit to myself, then realize that I don't have to think about the day ahead just yet.  I "tumble out of bed and stumble to the kitchen" (Dolly says it best, doesn't she?), start my coffee, empty the dishwasher, drink some water, and grab my phone for my seven-a-day habit.

First, Wordle.
Then Spelling Bee.
Followed by Connections (by now my coffee is ready),
Letter Boxed,
The Mini,
and finally,
The Crossword.

These seven games on the New York Times app are my favorite workday (and to be honest, weekend) productive procrastination tool.  They're also the main reason I've broken my previous years' long standing pattern of early morning Slicing.  I'm too busy finding words in the games now, instead of finding the right words to write down.

I don't always get to Genius level on the Spelling Bee, and it sometimes takes me additional lunch and after-school sessions to finish The Crossword. But I don't mind; the puzzles are keeping the chores at bay for a few more precious minutes. 



  1. I absolutely love word games. I play three of these games on the daily and love to use it as a way to unwind from the day. Also, usually procrastinating in some way some other necessity.

  2. "I'm too busy finding words in the games now, instead of finding the right words to write down." I love this line so much!! And I love the phrase "productive procrastination" I like Spelling Bee, but I don't have the patience for it to play very often. I love Wordle and the Mini!

  3. Nothing wrong with that. Love Ya, Dad.
