Saturday, March 30, 2024

SOLSC '24 Day Thirty: Weekend brain fuzzies


This cartoon from Dinosaur Couch on Instagram popped up in my Facebook feed this week--and I felt seen, as the kids say these days.

I always think I'm going to magically manifest a ton of energy to get things done on the weekend.  And then I end up sleeping in, taking naps, puttering around, and scrolling way too much.  I can say that I don't spend the whole weekend in bed...but I have been known to wear pajamas all day.  (And I seem to get more done when I do...go figure.)  

I have a couple of tasks that are time-bound and need to get done before I go to bed tonight...and here I am Slicing, instead.  Here's to productive procrastination!

1 comment:

  1. Chris - I was on spring break all last week and a day or two I stayed in my pajamas. It was almost heaven. As I read this, I can see a lot of myself reflected in the too-much to-do list when the one thing that is most needed is rest. I am learning to rest more. It's a challenge! I identify with those dinosaurs more and more!
