Friday, April 1, 2022

Verselove, Day 1: Rabbit


Teacher-writers at ethicalela are sponsoring a month of poetry writing.
All educators can join in, too, at this link!
Today's prompt is:  write an acrostic poem.

Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit
April pops up like a hare in the grass, kicking March aside
Bringing a sense of urgency to each school day
Beyond the normally controlled chaos
Instructor anxiety begins to build, closer and closer to
Testing week.

Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit
April sniffs the air like a nervous bunny, cute 
But on edge, counting calendar days
Budgets must be spent and data must be entered
In a race to the finish
That is still months away.

Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit
April will hop by more quickly than we'd like
Bringing May's immutable demands and deadlines
Bursting with pride or bemoaning lost opportunities
It happens every year, different students, different challenges, yet
The ending never really seems to change.

Image from Shutterstock.

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