Monday, March 7, 2016

SOLSC '16 Day Seven: Routine or rut?

My hotel retreat ended before eleven on Sunday morning, and five minutes later I was pulling into my driveway. I uncharacteristically took to unpacking right away, remembering that a friend says she does the same to avoid having suitcases in the way for a week.

And then, for better or worse, I fell into my usual Sunday routine, minus the laundry, which had been done by my wonderhubby while I was away.

I spent too much time on the computer, this time shopping to use the birthday coupons that had been sitting in my inbox.  (That needs to end, after the stern lecture I gave myself in my birthday poem.)  A short nap that turned into an hour-and-a-half, books left unread at my side. Grazing from the refrigerator instead of eating proper meals. 

Not all my routines are indolent.  I did make my son's lunches for the week, and planned out my outfits for work, taking care to note the weather forecast.  Some of the computer time was spent deleting emails and commenting on blogs for the SOLSC.  I even got ready for bed at a decent hour...only to be drawn into watching the final episode of "Downton Abbey".  

Maybe it's the season that's prompting a need for change in my Sundays, my every-days, one that gets me away from activities that dull my senses, directing my attention instead to books and outdoors and improvement projects for self and home.  Meditation, the act of sitting still and just being, would be more productive and soul-filling than my usual rut.

I'm hoping it's not just the season.  

And looky-here, another day to try and get it right.  If at first you don't succeed... 


  1. I'm finding myself exhausted lately. Napping a lot. My kids are annoyed by it. Perhaps it's our age. :)

    Thankfully there are more Sundays.

    1. I've been a napper since my teens. My problem is that I tend to go prone while reading, and sleep takes over...I need to sit up more, ha! Exercise would probably help, too...

  2. I love napping. Give yourself some grace. We work so hard as parents and teachers. We can give more freely when we take care of ourselves. (I watched Downton, too)

    1. I love naps, too...but I can tell when I use them as an avoidance strategy. Good for replenishing, not so good as an escape route. ;-)

  3. I love the term "wonderhubby" and plan on adopting it in my everyday language!

    I, also, find myself in weekend "ruts" - more time napping and lounging than doing what I truly want, and need, to be doing. I've been working on fixing that for, oh, ever. Good luck :-)

    1. I can't claim the term...but can't remember where I picked it up, either, ha! Good luck in your efforts, too!
