Wednesday, March 4, 2020

SOLSC '20 Day Four: A pain in the neck

It's there when I wake up in the morning
A dull ache on the right side of my neck
It begins to throb as I sit at my computer
Body facing forward, head turned 
To the screen on the left

I stretch, roll my head in circles
Turn my face as far to each side as I can
But that muscle refuses to soften; it's

As stubborn as my computer habits.


  1. I've had one of these on the left side of my neck for the last few days. I feel almost normal today. I hope you literal a figurative "friend" leaves you soon, too.

  2. I have discovered several small recurring aches (none of which have to do with my broken foot). Alas. Does this have to do with our elasticity? The loss of it??? I think you need to visit the spa :)

  3. This might help your computer-induced pains to diminish: (You don’t need the fancy equipment in the video. A broomstick will do.)
