Wednesday, March 10, 2021

SOLSC '21 Day Ten: Getaway Tuesday, part two...the end.


I am participating in my ninth Slice of Life Story Challenge run by the team behind the Two Writing Teachers website.  We are challenged to write a blog post a day throughout the month of March.

I finished up the looped trail, taking a few last pictures along the way.  Even though I had walked the same path the day before, the details were different in this sunny weather.
The greens looked greener, the leaf carpet a deeper rust.

Even the trees seemed taller, now that yesterday's cap of gray clouds was lifted.

I stopped when I could feel the sun's rays on the path, soaking in the warmth.

This trail ended, and I was back at the top of the hill.

The curve of this tree looked like it was stretching backward to feel more of the sun on its body, the arc out of place among its straight-growing neighbors.

This was the best reminder I had during my stay, even though it was meant for cars on that steep hill.  

There was time enough to stop and notice the wildflowers on the side of the road,

and to enjoy another trail, flanked by cedars just about to burst with pollen.  I didn't realize we could be due for another round of "cedar fever season"!

My last trail was a gentle one, cleared and well-marked,

to include this "X", which seemed to tell me I was right where I needed to be at that moment.

Forty-five minutes later, I was back at the cabin, enjoying one last snack before hitting the road for the four-hour trip home.

What a view to leave behind...I'll be back, for sure.

Thanks for sharing this Getaway with me, Slicers!


  1. I feel like I was right there with you in your pictures and narration. Thanks for the walk on the trail.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Margaret! I truly hope you enjoyed the vicarious break.

  2. Your pictures and words took me on your much better than my daily sidewalk...and so inspiring. Thank you. It sounds like a wonderful retreat.

    1. Oh, my sidewalk wasn't quite as enticing when I returned, too! I've decided this has to be a semi-regular excursion, if only as an excuse to rack up some steps.

  3. I, too, feel refreshed, that I have walked with you and absorbed the messages of the woods ... X definitely marking that this is right where you need to be, right now. I am really enjoying my virtual retreat.

    1. Fran, I may be re-reading my own posts monthly until I go on another Getaway--which may be fairly soon, since my husband gifted me with one for my birthday, at a location closer to Austin. I'll try to keep that recollection to just one post!
