Thursday, March 17, 2022

SOLSC '22 Day Seventeen: Lunch al fresco

I pulled out a gift card and navigated the website to order lunch.  Chicken wrap, Texas caviar with chips, and creamy chicken tortilla soup.  The receipt said it would be ready in fifteen minutes--just enough time to make myself presentable and drive the five minutes to the restaurant.

It was my first visit, and I passed the pickup shelves before turning around and realizing my order was already bagged and ready.

The skies were cloudy, the weather warm and breezy as I got home.  Too nice to stay inside, I thought to myself.  I dropped off my purse, grabbed a drink and some paper towels, and headed to the backyard with lunch in hand.

The mama cardinal at the feeder fluttered away at my approach.  I settled in at the patio table, my back to the sun.  I purposefully left my smartphone in the house and enjoyed the feeling of being unplugged.  The food was delicious, and as I munched my way through lunch, the birds worked their way back to the feeder.  The chickadees and titmice arrived first, zooming in with their quick touch-and-go pickups.  A wren took its time, as did the doves, before the bluejays scared them off the perches.

A hawk rode the air current far overhead.  People came by in ones and twos on the hike and bike past my yard, chatting on phones and with each other.  I could feel the sun slightly burning my arms.  It felt good, and I took one deep breath after another.

A full hour passed before the breeze became stronger, threatening to blow away my trash.  I threw it in the garbage bin on the side of the house as I headed back to the front door.  Settling in on the couch with a good book, I couldn't help but smile.  Lunch al fresco filled my stomach and my soul, leaving me content for the remainder of the day.

1 comment:

  1. Such an idyllic scene, Chris. Birds lift my spirits immeasurably. I don't have a bid feeder but I have been thinking of getting one. I delight in your Mama cardinal and the others, especially that hawk; these birds are amazingly graceful. I know they're predators but this fact doesn't detract from their incredible beauty. We need these moments to fill our souls daily - sustenance, sunlight, sights that speak to the spirit. Your slice did this for me this morning. :)
