Tuesday, March 29, 2022

SOLSC '22, Day Twenty-nine: All will be well


It was a mixed-bag kind of day
Started off well enough, camaraderie and smiles
Celebrations, and good discussions
But then bad news in a text made it hard to concentrate
Thumbs flying with questions and details during spare moments
Trying to listen and focus, but
Changing plans for the next day constantly 
Swirling thoughts just under the surface
Personal supersedes the professional when your child needs you.

But then I came home, took a breath, watered the plants
Looked down and noticed just the teensiest bit of hope
From old, gnarled roots

Looked up and saw budding trees,
And others shaking off brown leaves
As new green leaves take their place

I took another breath
Headed inside
And thought, "All will be well." 

1 comment:

  1. I love your line, "the teensiest bit of hope, from old, gnarled roots..." It's good to find the good things to turn around those gnarled roots that tend to creep up in our thoughts from time to time. You're right, all will be well.
