Monday, March 11, 2024

SOLSC '24 Day Eleven: This different year


This is my eleventh year as a librarian, my eleventh Spring Break from the circulation desk.  This is the first year as a librarian that I felt like I really, really needed the break.

I can't help but think of a pivotal moment at the end of my first year of librarianship.  The library services director called me out of the blue, and asked,

"Do you still want to be a librarian?"

My first thought was that I had done something wrong, and said so.  With a chuckle in her voice, she said no; in fact, she had heard that I asked smart questions and that I was doing a good job.  She said the reason she asked was that it was the end of the first year of a career change, and wondered if I thought I made the right move.

Without hesitation, I said, "Yes!  This is the first job in education I've had where I wake up every single day and am excited to go to work.  Every. Single. Day.  That didn't happen as a special education teacher or ARD facilitator.  I liked those jobs, but I know I made the right choice becoming a librarian."

I carried that excitement for ten years.  I'm working hard to keep that flame alive, despite changes and challenges, for year eleven.  I feel like I still have some library work left to do; not ready to give up just yet!


  1. The library is the best place in the school to be! I spent 4 years there, and I miss it!

    1. I felt the same way, too, Dr Johnson, until I was placed on the specials rotation schedule this year. Gone is the time for me to collaborate with teachers, do push-in lessons in classes, teach research skills in depth, confer with instructional coaches...I didn't realize how much I enjoyed that part of the job until I lost the ability to do so.

  2. You are doing such good work. I hadn't considered becoming a librarian until a couple of years ago, but in this landscape? I feel like I'm not brave enough 😞😞 I am sorta feeling what you're describing as a classroom teacher though. Keep on keepin on. Enjoy your break!

    1. I am concerned too, Britt, with the changes being made to our roles...and to the disappearance of school libraries altogether, in some places in our state.

  3. "Librarians are tour-guides for all of knowledge".
    "Librarians have always been among the most thoughtful and helpful people. They are teachers without a classroom. No libraries, no progress”.
    I’ve watched and listened to you giving 100% plus to your duties as a Librarian. No one can ask more. Love Ya, Dad.

    1. People need to realize what is happening to libraries and library funding...and speak up, vote accordingly.
