Friday, March 29, 2024

SOLSC '24 Day Twenty-nine: Scholar's memory lane


Digging through old files
and piles on my desk
I find my graduate work tote
(yep, it's all in one tote)
covered in a dozen years'
worth of dust
(has it really been that long?)
and there's a group project pamphlet
that looks pretty darn good
and a paper written--
with multisyllabic words, even!
and transcripts
another envelope with a certificate
for mentoring a teacher
(I had almost forgotten I did that)
another with more certificates
more learning, more achievements
written evidence
that at one time,
I was
I felt
kinda smart.


  1. Walking down memory lane provides evidence of the path of an educator.

  2. Chris, I have saved similar things...a whole expandable file of research for literary criticism for a paper, and other papers I have written. I look back and marvel at where my brain was at the time, feeling like maybe I might have a bit of a cerebrospinal fluid leak these days?? I can so relate to this poem! For the record...your "smart" is definitely, definitely still there. It shines in your does your heart.
