Wednesday, March 20, 2024

SOLSC '24 Day Twenty: A case of the have-tos


They were there 
as soon as the
first alarm radio started playing.

I have to get up early today.
I have to wash my hair
before I get my hair cut.
I have to remember the author's snacks.
I have to pack my lunch.
I have put out the return carts
(the ones I forgot yesterday afternoon)
before the students arrive.
I have to make sure
the teachers know what to do
when the author visits today.
I have to leave school by 420p
to make it to my hair appointment--
will STAAR training take too long?
I have to get those things printed
for that teacher, which means
I have to change out the ink cartridges.
I have to fill out my conference paperwork.
I have to rectify my p-card purchases.
I have to finish my bulletin board.
I have to...
I have to...
I have to...
(And for those of you positive people
who are thinking 
"Change those have tos to get tos"...
well, that just didn't work with this list today.) 


  1. Dear, Cmargocs:

    I felt you calling me all the way in Colorado with this post! How did you know this is my life??? I promise, I had this conversation both yesterday and today with two friends I hold dear. The former asked, "Do you think other people experience this, too?" And my answer was a resounding, "YES!" And here you go, putting it into a lyrical gem.

    I feel like I need to post this somewhere as a reminder to me that I am not alone! Thank you for using your gift to give voice to moments that can be so hard to admit. I totally feel you on this one - and the aesthetical design of your poem is absolutely beautiful.

    Sincerely, Dr. Brown

    P.S. - I shuddered a bit when I saw that STAAR acronym. Clearly, I am talking to a fellow Texan! Wishing you the best. May we whittle down our lists sooner than later and salvage our peace of mind! #smile

    1. I am glad I'm in good company, Dr. Brown! And yes, I am in Austin, Texas, and already dealing with the repercussions of STAAR testing season. Thankfully, the author visit went well and I got those ink cartridges changed out!
