Thursday, March 7, 2019

SOLSC '19 Day Seven: Come for a picture, leave with some books

At the end of the day, they remembered what I had forgotten (even though I just sent the email yesterday).

"We're taking the Book Lunch Bunch picture, right, Ms Margocs?"

(Ooops, yes!)

They trickled in twos and threes, until eleven of the twelve were present. "Grab a book on the way to the Book Nook," I suggested.

"We're not even eating lunch," one mentioned, but I shrugged the comment off.  "We didn't have a chance to gather all the groups at lunch," I countered.

As we waited for my assistant, several of the students started talking about the books they had randomly pulled.  
"I didn't know we had a graphic novel of Snow White!"  
"Oh, I've read that, it's really good!"  
"Ms Margocs, do we have a second copy of Malala?" (Disappointed look when I said no.)
 "I'll check it out this time and share it with you," said the Malala holder (smile regained).

My assistant joined us in the Book Nook, and I took a seat on the lower bleacher with the students sitting behind.  Posed with our books, the pictures turned out great.

And then I headed back to the circulation desk to check out Snow White and I Am Malala, smiles on faces all around.  The joy of avid readers finding new books to read is infectious!


  1. I love how they made an opportunity out of it -- that is the disposition of a lifelong reader! Always a book on hand - love it.

    1. They are my avid readers, that is for sure! Fifth graders are so open to all kinds of books, passionate about the ones they like--love that about them!

  2. Every occasion is an opportunity to find new books, to share our reading lives.

    1. Isn't that so true, Glenda? I get lots of good recommendations from my students; in a library with over 20,000 books, I can't read them all!

  3. I would have loved visiting your library when I was a student.

    1. That is truly my goal, Alice--for students to feel welcome in our library space. Helps that I inherited a campus of readers!

  4. What a great moment on so many levels. I love that they take responsibility for each other's reading lives by saying they'll get the book to the other once they're finished! Books matter so much!
