Sunday, March 25, 2018

SOLSC '18 Day Twenty-five: Old neighborhood

We are a neighborhood of old cars
Obvious by the dings, the scratches
The dated angular lines and jutting hoods
Dulled paint in odd colors.
Many (like ours) are parked in driveways
Or on the streets
Silently testifying to garages full of stuff 
That will likely be offered at the next yard sale
Or taken to the Goodwill down the street.

We are a neighborhood of old trees
Some so big, you can't wrap your arms around them
Bare in the winter, now with buds bursting
Bright green leaves shoving the last of the brown ones off
Yellow pollen coating 
The old cars parked in our driveway.


  1. Your images are so strong. I love the turn from cars rusting to the trees and their new growth contributing to the cars’ aging. Beautiful!

    1. Thanks, Glenda; I was inspired on a walk the other day, immediately came home and jotted some notes down. "Neighborhood of old cars" was a line that stuck!

  2. Neighborhoods have personalities and you captured this idea beautifully! I loved this line, "Silently testifying to garages full of stuff". The picture you evoked was alive in my mind's eye!

    1. Thanks, Mrs. Scannell! This challenge is certainly making me see things in new ways; only took six years to get here!

  3. Wonderful images and connections here. I can see the cars, understand the implication of the cars in the driveway, the garages full of things that will be sold in garage sales. I know the meaning of a neighbourhood with old trees and I really like how the pollen comes down to coat the old cars. Lovely.

    1. Thank you, Amanda. And yes, the pollen is coating everything; Austin is the allergy capital of the world, it seems!

  4. I like this vivid picture of your neighborhood. It seems so real. The old cars seem friends to the old trees. I really like it. Thanks for the slice.
