Saturday, March 31, 2018

SOLSC '18 Day Thirty-one: Fruition

I was already tucked in for the night when my husband entered the bedroom.  "Come look at the blue moon," he requested.  "I thought the full moon was set for tomorrow," I replied, but he insisted, based on the meteorologist's comments from the ten o'clock news.  So I got up, slipped into my scuffs, threw a jacket on over my pajamas, and grabbed the camera to follow him out the front door.

I think it's auspicious, ending this Slice of Life Story Challenge with a full moon.  It is a symbol of plans coming to fruition, a completion of a cycle.  The waning moon days to come are a time to reflect on our accomplishments and our struggles, eventually beginning a new project (with the next new moon, if you like to work by nature's cycles).

I began this year's challenge with a theme of looking up, flight, flying.  I am ending it by looking up to the beautiful full moon, in the Christian season of hope and renewal.  I will spend some time this weekend re-reading all of my posts to see what wisdom I can glean, what areas I need to improve.  I will also pencil in time to regularly check my WordPress and Blogger feeds, so I can keep up with all the fabulous writers I've encountered during this challenge.  And of course, I will continue Slicing on Tuesdays.

Thank you to all of my readers for walking--and writing--this journey with me!  Whoohoo-we made it!


  1. Love this! What a beautiful way to begin and end this challenge. Thank you for sharing this discovery of the full moon. Congrats on completing this challenge!

  2. I love the circularity of this post, the image of the moon and the importance of looking up. Thanks so much for your writing and your collegiality in this community.

  3. What a beautiful way to end - truly full circle. The image of the full moon - the hope, renewal and wisdom we can glean from the moon and the month - this is powerful. See you on Tuesdays.

  4. It is auspicious, and I didn't realize it so thank you for this! I hope I will make time to do what you say- re-read my writing to see where I am and what to work on next :)

  5. I didn't realize that we began and ended with a full moon, and I love that you point that out. I need to go back through this month's posts and name them, as I spent the month just calling them ___ of 31. That was unwise. Looking forward to Tuesdays!

  6. What a fitting way to end the month! I, too, noticed the beautiful full moon last evening, so I feel connected to your thoughts. I love your idea of rereading my posts to reflect. I think I'll do that, too. I have enjoyed reading your posts. You use of words is wonderful! Thank you.

  7. I love that you mentioned the moon in your slice. I was thinking last night that all of us, Slicers around the world, can look up and see the same moon. Here's to meeting up with you on Tuesdays.

  8. I wrote about the Blue Moon today as well, but I love the way you shared that we started and ended with a full moon. That is a rather beautiful thought. You'll have to share your secrets for taking night pictures of the moon. I've enjoyed following your stories across the month. Congrats!
