Thursday, March 22, 2018

SOLSC '18 Day Twenty-two: Busy, busy, busy

I told my assistant yesterday that I felt like I was back to my resource room days this week.  In my previous life as a special education teacher, I juggled a fifteen-minute block schedule, changing activities just about that often, students coming in and out of my room at different times of the day to work on different subjects at different levels of achievement.  It wasn't uncommon to have three different grade levels working on two subject areas in the room at one time.

We have a fifteen/ thirty minute schedule in our library.  Students who get a read-aloud (kindergarten every week, first and second every other) spend fifteen minutes in the Book Nook, and then get fifteen minutes to check out.  Third through fifth grades get a lesson every other week that usually takes fifteen minutes.  Bear in mind that with second through fifth grades, we have two classes in the library at the same time!

This type of schedule usually gives me fifteen minutes in between reading or lessons to help students find books, chat with teachers, check my schedule, or prep for the next class.  But this week, I'm doubling up on all lessons and read-alouds.  We are closed for four days next week due to testing and a Friday holiday; the following week, I am at our annual librarians' conference for four days.  When I return, we will be closed for state testing again for two-three days.  

Squeezing in lessons seemed to be the only option to keep from getting behind.  This means reading three different books in the Book Nook, and teaching nonfiction text features to third grade, great opening lines in literature to fourth, and a quick digital citizenship assessment with fifth, either flipping classes for the fifteen minute lessons or doubling them up (fifth graders paired on iPads).

We are busy, busy, busy in the library!  I've been spending time on my front porch at the end of each workday, breathing the fresh air, soaking in some of the setting sun's energy to use for the next day ahead.  Next week, it will be all checkout time--from carts in the school foyer!


  1. Whew! That sounds exhausting! I'm glad you wrote about work. When I started this challenge I imagined that I would *only* write about work, but I've found that impossible: I appear to writing about a little of this and a little of that. Hopefully this slice of your work chaos clears a little space for you. Thank you for sharing it.

    1. Since I write about work on my other blog (in more of a newsletter way), I tend to avoid it on this one. But this was such an unusual week, with back-to-back lessons and read-alouds. I'm glad I get to rest my voice this weekend!

  2. Phew! I'm tired just reading that! What a busy hub of energy for your school. Glad the porch-sitting is helping - I can't wait until it is warm enough here to do that!

    1. We do have a busy library, Ashley... hard not to, with 1250 elementary students and 100 staff members on campus. :-) Hope the warm weather reaches you soon!

  3. On the plus side...... You are not bored!!! Love Ya, Dad.
