Tuesday, March 20, 2018

SOLSC '18 Day Twenty: We do more before 9a

Are you old enough to remember this commercial?
I know this to be true. I rarely saw my father in the mornings while he was on active duty; the half-cup of coffee he left on the kitchen table was already cold by the time we were getting ready for school.

Most elementary educators I know are the same way.  Many of my colleagues are at work by 630a, preparing for the day.  I'm there by 710a to greet our fifth grade broadcast team.

The other day, I wrote a post about all the things I should be doing.  Someone suggested that I write a list of things I am actually doing, and the Army commercial came to mind.  So this is what I am getting done on workdays before 9a:
  • Up by 430a, though it's been 410a this week.
  • Make my coffee.
  • Empty the dishwasher.
  • Visit Sacred Space for a daily reading. (If you visit the site, be sure to turn on your sound; the music is soothing.)
  • I've started the Chopra series of meditation for weight loss; takes about twenty-five minutes.
  • Slicing or blogging--when it's not March, I blog about books on Mondays, Slice on Tuesdays, and blog about the library on Wednesdays.  I try to read blogs and weed emails on Thursdays and Fridays.
  • Check emails.  When it's not Lent, this would be the time I'd pop on to Facebook and see what my friends are up to.
  • Try to squeeze in some simple movement exercises, like joint rotations.  (In a perfect world, I would be working out for a half hour; still working on that.)
  • Get ready for work (shower, dress, breakfast, make lunch), at school by 710a.
  • Monitor the broadcast team, check emails, pull books for teachers, check schedule, prep for lessons, catch up with my assistant, help students and parents who come in for books, pay bills, etc.
  • First classes are in the library at 8a.  By 9a, we've typically seen three to four classes.
I'm thinking elementary educators can give the Army a good run for this "get it done by 9a" routine; what do you think?


  1. I agree - I start at 5:15 - need to work on getting to bed earlier - impressed with all you do.

    1. Thanks, John. There are days I miss my old secondary schedule a bit, but I love being in the elementary library. Now 6a weekend mornings seem like sleeping in!

  2. I hear you! My alarm goes off at 5, but often I am awake beforehand. I leave the house just after 6, so am squeezing in a 10 minute mindfulness before my shower, but not much else. I eat breakfast (overnight oatmeal) in my classroom as I prepare for my day.

    1. That sounds like a busy, feet-hitting-the-ground morning, Ms. Victor!

  3. When I started my current job I arrived at 6:00 a.m. and began teaching at 7:00 a.m. I did that for five years. Until this year I was up every day at 5:00 a.m. and went to the gym before work. That has not happened this year, which I think is a sign of aging and my body preparing me for retirement in a year. But I do work late into the night still.

    Yes, teachers often put in two full days to other professions' one day; it's one reason we need long breaks in the summer.

    1. I wouldn't be able to work out and get ready in just an hour, Glenda, so I'm amazed you did that for years! And amen to summers, except that once I became a librarian, those grew shorter...I'm purposefully avoiding work and professional development this summer for some much needed time off!

  4. Whew! That is a busy morning. My school doesn't start until 9:10 - luxury - so I get to sleep until 6:30 now. I keep thinking about trying to throw a workout into the morning, but maybe not til the kids are older...

    1. Having little ones does add to the prep time, Amanda. My early-morning-band-chauffeuring days were not that long ago for me....

  5. I agree you do have a busy morning!!! From what I read everything you do in the wee hours of the morn is positive and that is wonderful. I used to add one quick prayer, "Lord, I did the best I could yesterday, please help to do the best I can today. Thank you." Love Ya, Dad.

    1. That's a pretty good prayer, Dad. Says a lot in a nutshell.
